Over the phone, Video remote and On-site interpretation

Interpreting projects

Each request is different based on the client’s needs, the language they are looking for, the type of assignment, and the time they have to carry out a project. Depending on all of this and after reviewing it carefully, various options can be used to complete them correctly in time and form.

OPI and VRI are the two types of interpretation most requested in Anaheim CA, thanks to its exposure to tourism and international travelers entering the city for recreational time, doing activities such as guided tours or entertainment pursuits. Nevertheless, on-site interpreting is very common in places with higher international occupancy.

Interpreting in Anaheim, CA

Part of the Los Angeles metropolitan area, Anaheim is the 10th– most populous city in California, and also home of the Disneyland Resort, the Anaheim Convention Center and two major sports teams: Los Angeles baseball team and the Anaheim Ducks ice hockey club. With this being said, it emphasizes that Anaheim’s population is filled with international communities which enrich the culture and also demand translation and interpreting services at all times.

Demanding such service does not always mean that the client does not speak English at all, but it’s better to be prepared for any type of situation that may come, and also, it is a great way to open up for new clients and prospects interested in contracting a service like a guided tour, a property purchase or simply, a recreational and fun time with friends and family.

With a big Hispanic population, Spanish is one of the most common languages spoke in the city, but there’s also a big community of Philippines that request interpreting services in the area. There are other languages like Chinese and Japanese, and also, an increasing demand for ASL services.

Interpreting in our evolving world

Staying aware of our evolving environment keeps us ahead and prepared for the changes that may come in the industries. As a language service company, we keep our promise to stay updated with our client’s needs and demands and offer the best solutions making it the smoothest way possible. We have delivered all of our projects with superior service, helping companies to be active and consistent even in a constantly evolving environment.

For Anaheim, tourism has always been a significant sector; most of its economy comes from it. It is critical to adjust to client’s needs and potential visitors and keep an eye on their current population. There is always someone or something new in the city, so the rowing need for interpreting services is constantly here. That is why VRI is such a recurring service, sometimes, it is an urgent need for someone that needs an interpreter, but when it is done with time in the notice, on-site is the best and preferred option for the people in the area. It is usually very accessible to find an interpreter willing to do the job.

Let us know how we can be of help!

American Language Services is a deep-rooted language service company, and with almost four decades of experience, we are still providing an outstanding job. With on-site, video-remote, or over-the-phone interpretation and various media, translation, and transcription services, we keep up with excellent results in our delivered projects.

We provide language services to the private and public sectors, such as governmental, educational, and non-profit organizations

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