Silicon Valley Patent Translation – Certified Chinese, Cantonese, Hindi Translating


Silicon Valley Based Legal Translation Services Specializing in Over 200 Languages

The Silicon Valley areais one of the California’s most important business and legal hubs. Documents written in upwards of 200 various languages are common in The Silicon Valley area.Legal translating has always been one of the fundamental aspects of the language field and the range of work that encompasses legal translation is extremely broad and deals with several different facets. Patent translation is one of the most important and specialized field in the legal translating landscape. As a result of The Silicon Valley area’s large Asian language activity and important position in the global economy, there is a great need for legal translators that specialize in Asian languages, in particular Traditional Chinese, Armenian and Hindi.Demand for translation of patent and legal information to and from English is particularly strong in these languages. A legal translator can translate patents of new products ranging from medical devices thru complex manufacturing equipment. Patent translation work must achieve the highest degree of accuracy.

Translation of Contracts in Asian Languages Such as Traditional Chinese, Armenian, Cantonese, and Hindi

In The Silicon Valley area, Translations of contracts area huge source of work for translators in many languages. As a result of the large Asian population and voluminous Pacific Rim business in The Silicon Valley area businesses and other organizations are continually dealing with foreign contracts especially in Asian languages. Some of the most common Asian dialects are Armenian, Cantonese and Hindi. International contracts for services, products and employment are commonplace in today’s marketplace. Complete accuracy is of vital importance and an experienced legal translator is necessary to ensure that the documents are clearly understood. Contract translating is also seen daily in the field of law, as contract issues are brought to court all the time. Ultimately, the translations of contracts are an up and coming aspect of the language field and require translators that are experienced and educated in very specific fields. It is vital to assure complete accuracy inlegal translations.

Patent Applications are Very Specific and100% Accuracy and Quick Turnaround are Key Factors in the Patent Field

The translation of legal documents in Silicon Valley cities like Palo Alto, Menlo Park and San Jose, whether patents or contracts, require work done at the highest level. The field requires maintaining complete integrity of the original material along with impeccable accuracy. The task of a certified legal translator is to have excellent understanding of both the source and target cultures, and maintain precise translation in foreign and target languages. In The Silicon Valley area, Cantonese, Armenian and Hindi are commonly spoken in business on a daily basis and many documents are created from the multitude of business dealings in the area. When translating these documentsit is extremely important to hire a translator who is properly qualified to accompany your Hindi, Armenian and Traditional Chinesetranslation needs. The ability to meet deadlines in a timely fashion is another critical factor for legal translators. Patent applications are very specific, and timely and accurate patent translations are the final element to years of research and development work and money. It is also pivotal to have background in the field of law as translating in the legal arena takes extensive knowledge of legal terminology. Working with a language service that is familiar with varying aspects of this unique field and has the legal translating experts to handle intricate documents is of critical importance in the patent area.

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What are your communication goals? Every company has specific objectives in mind. Our goal is to ensure that your goals are met. We will work with you in the time frame you require to achieve the success you desire.

American Language Services: Quality Patent Translation Services in Asian Languages For Over 25 Years

For over a quarter of a Century, American Language Services (AML-Global) has been a premier provider of Asian patent translations services. We provide top quality Armenian, Cantonese and Hindi services for a significant number of Major Corporations, Law Firms and Governmental Agencies inThe Silicon Valley area, the domestic US market and abroad. We work around the world in all languages for written translations, transcriptions and verbal interpreting. The experienced staff at American Language Services has the experience and cutting edge technology to enable us to find the best qualified local interpreter in every language and location for whatever your assignment may be. American language Services can be reached 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at 800 -951-5020.

Contact us or give us a call to discover how we can help.

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