On November 9, 1989, the infamous Berlin Wall, was taken down. This ominous wall stood as a harrowing barrier for nearly three decades, and Germany finally was re-unified. The fall of the Berlin Wall marked a major step in the disintegration of the Iron Curtain, paving the way to the liberation of Eastern and Central […]
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month
The month of October is known internationally as National Breast Cancer Awareness Month (NBCAM), and here at American Language Services, we support the movement to increase knowledge about this disease, its causes, and prevention. We are proud to offer our services to the medical field fighting this dangerous illness, and to supporting families and patients […]
September – The start of Shoulder season in United States of America
September is considered the start of shoulder season for much of the United States (with the exception of Labor Day), which means that major airlines, hotels, resorts, and even local restaurants and venues offer special deals on accommodations, dining, and experiences to entice more travelers as the summer rush starts to end. Many events are […]
August – The Dog Days of Summer
The hottest and steamiest part of the summer is about to be over. You might have either enjoyed these hot and muggy days of summer or suffer depending upon your point of view. Here are some of the interesting summer time activities to keep you cool in these dog days of summer. You can take […]
July – The Fireworks Eye Safety Month
We all know that fireworks are a fun way for all Americans to celebrate the Independence Day on the Fourth of July. However, we must be very careful when handling fireworks as these can cause devastating and life-changing injuries. Each year, thousands of people are injured by fireworks in July. In addition to fireworks, we […]
June – The month of Doughnut (The Circles of happiness)
For those who don’t know doughnut is basically a delicious fried dough laced with flavors from chocolate to bacon. You might want to indulge in having one even if you don’t love sugar just in the honor of National Doughnut Day, which is observed each year on the first Friday of June. You might not […]
Memorial Day Weekend
Last weekend was Memorial Day Weekend, meaning most of us had a 3-day weekend to commemorate this important Federal Holiday. Memorial Day is a time to honor all Americans who have died in military service for the United States. Many people will go away for the holiday, have parties, family gatherings or sports events. We […]
Royal Wedding in London Sparks International Interests
On Saturday May 19, the Royal Wedding is taking place between Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. For Americans, this means an American in the British Royal Family, of what some would deem a huge leap for not only the Royal Family but also for African Americans. Meghan Markle, is an American born actress who is […]
April a Busy Month with Historical Significance
Emancipation Day, a holiday in Washington DC, is a day marking the anniversary of the signing of the Compensated Emancipation Act, which President Abraham Lincoln signed on April 16 in 1862. The day is a time to celerbate the end of slavery and citizens rights. Also, on April 19 this year was Israel’s Independence Day, […]
Happy Easter and Happy Passover!
This year Easter Sunday was on April 1 with Easter Monday on April 2. Easter time is very important and special in the Christian faith as it celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ after his crucifixion. It is often celebrated with children by decorating eggs and participating in Easter egg hunts supposed from the Easter […]
Good Friday
Palm Sunday was on March 25 this year and is celebrated by many Christians in the United States and it marks Jesus Christ’s entry into Jerusalem. It marks the beginning of the Holy Week. Good Friday is tomorrow and occurs two days before Easter Sunday. Good Friday commemorates Jesus Christ’s Crucifixion and for the Christian […]
International Woman’s Day
It is International Woman’s Day on March 8. It is an annual event and a focal point in the movement for Women’s rights. The day celebrates the social, economic, cultural and the political achievements of Women worldwide. Also, remember to change those clocks as on March 11, Daylight Saving Time will start and clocks will […]