Thanksgiving 2019 has historical roots in religious and cultural traditions, it has long been celebrated in a secular manner as well. Thanksgiving is a time for many people to give thanks for what they have, show gratitude and celebrate life with love ones and friends. Presently, it has become a day for families and friends […]
October 2019: National Pizza Month
The time has come to wrap yourself in the warm, gooey embrace of cheese, settle into a heavenly array of toppings, and chomp down on some comforting crust. That’s right. October is National Pizza Month. People don’t really need a special month for pizza in a country where there are an estimated 63,000 pizzerias and […]
September 2019: Labor Day Month
Labor Day in the U.S. is a public holiday celebrated on the first Monday in September. It honors the American labor movement and the power of collective action by laborers, who are essential for the workings of society. It is the Monday of the long weekend known as Labor Day Weekend. AML-Global staffs use the […]
August 2019: World Humanitarian Day
World Humanitarian Day is an international day dedicated to recognize humanitarian personnel and those who have lost their lives working for humanitarian causes. At AML-Global, we acknowledge the great, important and sometimes heroic work these fantastic individuals do every day. We give a toast to all those who have lost their lives working for humanitarian […]
July 2019: Fourth of July Celebration
July is a busy and exciting time in the United States. With hot weather and school vacation, it is a popular time for families to travel to beach vacations along the coasts or lakes. The biggest July celebration across the country is the Fourth of July, which celebrates the country s independence from the British […]
June 2019: Yes, believe it or not there is a Flip a Coin Day
In June, Flip a Coin Day is a day when making decisions is as easy as flipping a coin. This tradition dates back to Julius Caesar. Caesar would take a coin and flip it to make decisions where the right choice was unclear. However, you don’t have to flip a coin to decide which language […]
May: Serious & Not So Serious Commemorations
In May, as you may know, is Memorial Day, which honors U.S. service men and women who have given their lives for their protection of our country. On a lighter note, it also happens to be National Hamburger Month, and while we don’t need an excuse to enjoy a juicy burger, at AML-Global we can’t […]
April 22: International Mother #EarthDay (Mother Earth for all Humanity)
Since 1974, Earth Day has been held each year on April 22. It is estimated that more than 1 billion people in 192 countries now take part in what is the largest civic-focused day of action in the world. American Language Services is committed to environmentally responsible practices. At AML-Global we incorporate the spirit of […]
March: The Classic Spring
March is a month where everything is shifting. Winter is turning into spring, snow is melting, and flowers are blooming in some parts around the country. There are many festivals, parades, holidays, and events happening in March. All over the country, college students typically decide to take a week off to go somewhere warm, and […]
February is American Heart Month. #AmericanHeartMonth
Even though Valentine’s Day is in February, it’s not just the month for lovers. It is also American Heart Month which reminds us all to take care of our heart and consider our risk factors. Heart disease is the No. 1 killer of men and women each year, leading to the deaths of about 610,000 […]
Happy New Year 2019
The holiday decorations are likely put away, the in-laws are gone and the irregular-fitting sweaters you just received are safely stored away in the back of your closet. Now it’s time to tackle those New Year’s resolutions. It’s time to welcome 2019! We hope everyone had a great 2018 and are looking forward to all […]
This December raise Awareness to #StopSoilPollution
Soil pollution is a worldwide problem which degrades our soils, poisons the food we eat, the water we drink and the air we breathe. These are serious problems that can be hard to detect but whose impact on society is tremendous. It may seem far away but everyone, everywhere is affected one way or another. […]