JUNE 2020: Summer is Rapidly Approaching

Automatically people equate June with Summer; the weather becomes warmer and by now most children have finished their school year. June is known for the having the most wedding ceremonies, and how ironic that the month of June’s flower is the ROSE. The birthstone(s) for June are the Alexandrite, typically a reddish or green colored […]

MAY 2020: A Consequential Month in History

May is one of the most historic and consequential months in history.It is the month where the Fall of Constantinople (1453) happened and marked the end of the Byzantine Empire.  Istanbul became the capital of the Ottoman Empire and a new era started. It is the same month where, World War II ended,and the Allies […]

APRIL 2020: Love, Jazz and Lockdowns

Aprilit is a month where a lot of festivities andreligious gatherings are celebrated.Although for someit’smostly remembered for April Fools’ Day, for tricks, gags and other fun events.  For the religious orientated, EasterDay (Resurrection Day) also comes in April.  The month of April is a month devoted for Love and romance, it’snamed for the Greek goddess […]

MARCH 2020: COVID 2019-Coronavirus Hits the U.S. Hard

March of 2020 is a month that will not soon be forgotten in the United States. The U.S. and the world have been hit hard with a serious and deadly virus outbreak that has changed the landscape of how people live and work. The outbreak started in Wuhan, China in late December of 2019 and […]

February 2020: Romance, Almonds & Presidents

Even though Valentine’s Day is in February, (the 14th to be exact), it is not just the month for romance. February has some other interesting days in the month. If you like eating high protein, tasty treats National Almond Day, which is on Feb 16, is the right day for you. If you are American […]

January 2020: It marks the beginning of the end of another decade.

January 2020 was the planet’s warmest January since record-keeping began in 1880, said NOAA’s National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI). The month of January is all about fresh starts. In AML-Global it is about onboarding many new clients and providing them with our most exceptional and professional services. Of course, it is also about valuing […]

December 2019: It’s officially the holiday season!

Temperatures may be dropping, but spirits are rising. During the holiday season, it’s important to remember those less fortunate than ourselves. At AML-Global, we participated in a toy drive and other events encouraged our customers to do the same. Birthdays of Well-known Individuals in December WALT DISNEY: DECEMBER 5, 1901 – Walter Elias Disney was a […]

November 2019: Thanksgiving Month

Thanksgiving 2019 has historical roots in religious and cultural traditions, it has long been celebrated in a secular manner as well. Thanksgiving is a time for many people to give thanks for what they have, show gratitude and celebrate life with love ones and friends. Presently, it has become a day for families and friends […]

October 2019: National Pizza Month

The time has come to wrap yourself in the warm, gooey embrace of cheese, settle into a heavenly array of toppings, and chomp down on some comforting crust. That’s right. October is National Pizza Month. People don’t really need a special month for pizza in a country where there are an estimated 63,000 pizzerias and […]

September 2019: Labor Day Month

Labor Day in the U.S. is a public holiday celebrated on the first Monday in September. It honors the American labor movement and the power of collective action by laborers, who are essential for the workings of society. It is the Monday of the long weekend known as Labor Day Weekend. AML-Global staffs use the […]

August 2019: World Humanitarian Day

World Humanitarian Day is an international day dedicated to recognize humanitarian personnel and those who have lost their lives working for humanitarian causes. At AML-Global, we acknowledge the great, important and sometimes heroic work these fantastic individuals do every day. We give a toast to all those who have lost their lives working for humanitarian […]

July 2019: Fourth of July Celebration

July is a busy and exciting time in the United States. With hot weather and school vacation, it is a popular time for families to travel to beach vacations along the coasts or lakes. The biggest July celebration across the country is the Fourth of July, which celebrates the country s independence from the British […]


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