What would you say you do here?

As a language service provider, we receive a wide variety of questions on a daily basis. One of the most common questions we receive here is some variation of ‘What do you do?’ Clients come to us with specific needs, asking if we can handle them. Do you provide equipment? Do you have an Armenian […]

Selling medical equipment? Take a moment to think about languages

Imagine, for a moment, that you have just shipped an order of brand new sophisticated medical equipment to a hospital in India, or China, or Dubai. They, like other countries the world over which import medical devices, have invested in your state-of-the-art equipment. Just one small problem: how does it all work? Without the instructions, […]


Subtitling might not be the first word you think of when you hear the phrase ‘language services’, but it represents an important facet of our work here at AML-Global. Subtitles are a tool that can be used to translate foreign language video, to enhance training and sales videos for corporate America, or to render spoken […]

American Language Services Supports the Deaf Community

While our work is often global in scope, linking foreign cultures to ours, there are also cultures within our borders that require language services. The deaf community often relies on us to facilitate their seamless communication. Providing high quality language services for the deaf community is a unique challenge that American Language Services has consistently […]


American Language Services has one of the most highly qualified and well-rounded interpreting departments in the world. Our database of interpreters is one of the largest in the country, with tens of thousands of certified, credentialed and experienced professionals ready to service your every language need. Our expert project managers will work with you one-on-one […]

Medical Translation

Medical translation is a high-stakes field, and the demand for it is always growing. It goes without saying that precision a necessity. The quality of a single medical translation, whether it is mundane or scientifically complex, can affect thousands of lives. That is why hospitals, doctors, and companies in the industry choose the best and […]

Hearing Voices? Thank. American Language Services

Many of our clients know American Language Services for our industry leading foreign-language translation and interpretation services and our breadth of expert linguists who work in nearly every language on earth. But we’ve also earned an excellent reputation for our media services: dubbing, voiceovers & subtitling. You may have already seen or heard our work […]

New Year Comes in with a Boom

The New Year got off to a quick and exciting start for American Language Services. We were called on at home and around the world. We bridged communications between business and national leaders while also playing a part in helping countries in Europe prepare for emergencies and disasters. Working with Louisiana State University, we will […]

Thirty Years in Business and Top Ranking Thanks to Customers Like You!

For American Language Services, the New Year is always a good time to take a step back and look at where we’re at and where we’re going. Being a language service provider demands a global view. The earth is home to about 7 billion people. And last year, they spent more than $20 trillion (that’s […]

Mandela Memorial Shadowed by Sign Language Fraud

As tearful eyes around the world looked on, national leaders arrived in South Africa to eulogize the passing of Nelson Mandela, legendary anti-apartheid revolutionary leader and former president. As each dignitary spoke, Thamsanqa Jantjie, interpreted for the deaf. There was only one problem: Jantjie’s strange gestures, were meaningless. His actions were later decried as a […]

Happy Thanksgiving

The end of November is a busy time. Thanksgiving marks the beginning of the holiday season. It’s a special day and many celebrate with feasting, football and family. It’s a time to give thanks and to go shopping. Although this time of year is slow for many, it’s been another big month of crossing cultures […]


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