March: The Classic Spring

March is a month where everything is shifting. Winter is turning into spring, snow is melting, and flowers are blooming in some parts around the country. There are many festivals, parades, holidays, and events happening in March. All over the country, college students typically decide to take a week off to go somewhere warm, and do things they’ll deny in future job interviews. At American Language Services, it was a really a busy month, we completed several noteworthy translation, transcription as well as interpreting projects.

Birthdays of Well-known Individuals

MARCH 28, 1986: LADY GAGA: – Lady Gaga (Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta) is a popular world pop icon, known for songs like Poker Face.

MARCH 14, 1879: ALBERT EINSTEIN: – Einstein had what he called the happiest thought of my life. It wasn’t what you might expect it was about a man falling from a building.

MARCH 20, 1928: FRED ROGERS: – Rogers wasn’t just beloved by humans; Koko the gorilla was also a huge fan.

MARCH 24, 1874: HARRY HOUDINI: – Houdini was famous for debunking mystics, but he held out some hope that the living could communicate with the dead.

MARCH 2, 1904: THEODOR GEISEL (A.K.A. DR. SEUSS): – As a student at Dartmouth during Prohibition, Geisel was caught hosting a gin-soaked get-together and was banned from the school’s humor magazine, the Dartmouth Jack-O-Lantern. To keep publishing he used his middle name as a pen name: “Seuss.” The “Dr.” came later.

Some Interesting Interpreting & Translation Projects Completed in March

This march, AML-Global was involved in several interesting projects from some well know and renowned brands in the world. We recently provided translations of legal documents in 21 languages for Facebook’s the Worlds most Amazing dog Completion. In addition, we also provided our esteemed translation services in 11 languages to Los Angeles Homeless Service Authority. These were forms, Instructions, Guidelines, Rules and text for public consumption.

Moreover, we also did several interesting Interpreting projects such as Simultaneous Spanish, French and German interpreting regarding the practice of implant dentistry and related technologies, and to support the professional needs of its members worldwide for Academy of Osseo integration.

Another Simultaneous interpreting and equipment project we completed for biochemical disaster training for the Puerto Rican Government HAZMAT agencies. In addition, we also provided Simultaneous interpreting and equipment for the BMW Dealers Conference. Moreover, we also provided Sign Language interpreters at the various Correctional Facilities across the state for Michigan Department of Corrections.

As a key player in language industry, American Language Services commits to provide you with the most exceptional and professional services. AML-Global stands the test of time in providing translation, interpretation, transcription and media services to private industry, government at all levels, educational and non-profit organizations. Our thousands of linguists around the world and teams of dedicated professionals are ready to serve.

Call Us Now: 1-800-951-5020 for further information, visit our website or for a quote go to and we will respond promptly.


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