Summer Solstice

On June 20, we had the longest day of the year thanks to the June solstice, sometimes referred to as the summer solstice. On the southern hemisphere it is known as the winter solstice and is the shortest day of the year. A fact about the June solstice is that it occurs at the same time all over the world, and it can happen anytime between June 20 ‘ June 22 although June 22 is very rare. According to astronomers and scientists the June solstice marks the beginning of summer in the Northern Hemisphere and the beginning of winter in the Southern Hemisphere. With summer in full swing now, American Language Services are preparing for all the up and coming projects.

Historical Tidbits in June

Some interesting historical tidbits that occurred in June: On June 4, 1944 during World War II in Europe, Rome was liberated by the U.S. 5th Army led by General Mark Clark, Civil rights leader Medgar Evers was assassinated in Jackson, Mississippi on June 12, 1933, on June 6, 1978 California voters approved Proposition 13 an amendment to the state constitution severely limiting property tax rates and on June 3, 1989 Ayatollah Khomeini the leader of the Islamic Revolution in Iran died.

June Birthdays of Well-known Individuals

Johnny Depp; an American actor celebrates his birthday on June 9, Judy Garland was born on June 10, 1922, Boy George celebrates on June 14, Paul McCartney of the Beatles was born on June 18, 1942, world famous actress Meryl Streep enjoys her birthday on June 22 and George Orwell; an English novelist best known for his novels of Animal Farm and 1984 was born on June 25, 1903… Happy birthday to all of you who celebrate your birthday in June! With our success on our recent projects, American Language Services have been celebrating too.

Interesting Interpreting & Translation Projects Completed in June

We recently completed an interesting interpreting project for WUJA Congress; the World Union of Jesuit Alumni who hold an international conference every four years in order to gather Jesuit friends and alumni. The project consisted of several French and Spanish interpreters for a 3 day conference in Cleveland, Ohio, along with numerous headsets and receivers and portable transmitters. The conference was a great success.

This month has been extremely busy for interpreting projects. We have completed numerous projects this month for US Healthworks who have been a client of ours for a several years. We completed 10 different projects, 8 of them being Spanish interpreting, 1 Cantonese interpreter required and on one occasion American Sign Language was needed.’ These projects were for medical appointments and were hugely successful. Over the years we have supplied many interpreters for them including Russian, Arabic, Turkish, Mandarin, among many others.

An interesting translation project completed at the end of June was for Zebra Technologies Corporation. A company who builds tracking technology and solutions that gives companies visibility into their business from giving physical things a digital voice. There were documents that needed to be translated into 9 languages from English into Simplified Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Russian, German, Spanish, French, Italian and Polish. The project went flawlessly.

Translation, Interpreting, Transcription & Multi Media Expertise for Over 35 Years

As a key player in language industry, American Language Services commits to provide you with the most exceptional and professional services. AML-Global stands the test of time in providing translation, interpretation, transcription and media services to private industry, government at all levels, educational and non-profit organizations. Our thousands of linguists around the world and teams of dedicated professionals are ready to serve.

Call Us Now: 1-800-951-5020 for further information, visit our website ‘or for a quote go to and we will respond promptly.


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