This month is a time of change and mixed emotions for elementary, middle school and high school students because it is the graduation season. Change is not easy but it is the only way to grow and learn. During this time, most of us will visualize wearing the cap and gown, shaking hands with the Principal and thinking that the experience was worth it. The rest of us are excited to leave high school far behind and look forward to college. Whilst the graduation season is underway, we at AML-Global are busy fulfilling interpreting requests for schools for the upcoming graduations.
Just 3 days ago, Vista mar School located in Southern California requested a Spanish interpreter for a few hours for their graduation ceremony. The event was for 30 people and they needed headsets and receivers, booth and a technician. The event was a success and the client was very pleased with us.
We have worked with dozens of local school districts and institutes of higher learning around the country for over 30 years. We have also recently worked with Torrance Unified School District and provided Tagalog interpreting services for a parent teacher conference. We have also provided Greek, Vietnamese, Japanese, Indonesian, Pashto and Teluga interpreting for a number of parent teacher meetings. Our client was very pleased with our services for each of these jobs, and we have done an excellent job for this school district.
Not only have we provided our services for academic institutions, but we have also worked with prominent technology companies on educational and training related matters. One of them this month was for Google. Google was founded in 1998 and provides internet related products and services. Google is always at the forefront of technology changes, and brings forward new innovations. On relatively short notice, Google requested Japanese interpreters for a 3 day conference with equipment. For the conference we provided an onsite technician, headsets & receivers, 1 booth and portable transmitters. The conference was a success and Google was very pleased with our professional interpreting services.
Some days ago, American Airlines requested ASL interpreting for a meeting. The meeting was for a full day and was held in Dallas.’ No equipment was needed for this event. We have many qualified ASL interpreters who do an excellent job in this area. Our client was pleased with our work and we did a great job for them.
American Language Services is a proud provider of translation, interpretation, transcription and media services to private industry, government at all levels, and educational and non-profit organizations. Our thousands of linguists around the world and teams of dedicated professionals are ready to serve.