President Clinton on Helping to Resolve Worlds Woes

Business Professionals Gather in Las Vegas to Witness Former U.S. Leader Discuss Harnessing Private, Government Problem Solving Help

American Language Services provided language interpretation services at a Las Vegas conference the beginning of this year featuring former President Bill Clinton as a keynote speaker. It was the first of two Clinton speaking engagements in Las Vegas this year at which American Language Services provided interpretation services.

The conference at the MGM Grand Las Vegas was attended by some 3,000 business people from all over the world, and AML-Global was chosen to provide language interpretation services throughout the four day event to accommodate non-English speaking attendees. President Clinton addressed the audience on the topic of how we can aid those living in distressed regions around the globe. He spoke about his work in trying to find innovative solutions to world problems, such as disease and famine, by harnessing the power of private enterprise, governments and non-governmental organizations.

The event required simultaneous interpretation, and AML-Global provided two Russian, two Chinese, two Portuguese, two Spanish, two Italian, two German and two Vietnamese Interpreters, who seamlessly communicated the words of President Clinton, as well as others. Those addressing the audience included industry leaders, world-class scientists and Fortune 500 executives.

American Language Services has provided language and American Sign Language interpretation at numerous public and private events. In addition to interpreting for conferences, AML-Global also performs convention interpreting, and business summit interpreting.

In relaying the speakers’ comments to the non-English speaking participants, AML-Global supplied the electronic equipment that allowed the clear, uninterrupted transmission of multi-lingual speech to each audience member requiring language interpretation. Seven encapsulated booths, 210 headsets and receivers and 14 portable transmitters were employed to deliver the correct channels of language interpretations to the recipients. One technician ensured that all equipment functioned at peak level.

In addition to the language interpretation services offered at the Expo, AML-Global also provides Swedish interpretation, Danish interpretation, Cambodian interpretation, Thai interpretation, Hindi interpretation, Bosnian interpretation, Romanian interpretation, Czech interpretation, Swahili interpretation, Arabic interpretation, Tagalog interpretation and Romanian interpretation, along with interpretation in many other languages.

In addition to interpretation services, American Language Services also provides language translation services, and can quickly and accurately provide document translations in more than 200 languages. Services include French translation, Italian translation, German translation, Portuguese translation, Spanish translation, Swedish translation, Hungarian translation, Polish translation, Russian translation, Czech translation, Finnish translation, Ukrainian translation, Danish translation and Romanian translation.


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