Mobile Applications Firm Expands its Language Horizons

Mobile Roadie Touts Low-Cost App Management to a Broad Audience

These days, it seems that all of the interest in consumer technology centers around the smart phone and various computer tablets, such as the iPad, and others that are like it. Mobile Roadie allows anyone to create and manage their own iPhone, Android, iPad or mobile website.

So when this Los Angeles technology firm wants to expand the audience that will receive its messages, the company turns to American Language Services to provide language translation in many different foreign tongues. AML-Global translates and interprets more than 200 languages, in all. In fact, we translate just about every language that is spoken today.

Companies that want to communicate with a broader audience than the one that they have been reaching are often turning to language translation services to provide good-quality texts and audio recordings so that a more international audience can understand the company’s message and take advantage of the offerings that the company wishes to extend to those in the U.S. as well as in foreign lands.

Language service that AML-Global performed for Mobile Roadie includes Arabic translation, French translation, Chinese translation, Portuguese translation, German translation, Japanese translation, Italian translation, Korean translation, Hebrew translation, Turkish translation and Russian translation.

In addition to translation services that AML-Global provides to Mobile Roadie, it also produces multi-media pieces for the firm that involved sound recordings made in a variety of different languages. AML-Global’s production team spent a good deal of time editing the sound pieces to provide the best audio presentations of the translated materials. The AML-Global-produced audio products are targeted for non-English speaking audiences around the world.

American Language Services produces voiceover media for the firm in a variety of languages. In addition to basic sound recording, AML-Global also performs subtitling services and sound dubbing services in a local studio that is fully equipped with the most cutting edge sound recording and reproduction technology currently available.

All of these electronic services, including voiceover, subtitling and sound dubbing can be used to deliver your message in over 200 languages, which is the number of contemporary languages that American Language Services has been translating and interpreting for more than a quarter of a century. Our modern recording studios are fully equipped to create professional quality sound recording and our translators and voice talent will create sound overdubs and voiceovers that are perfectly in tune with the media with which they are being paired. The resulting voice soundtrack will provide top-quality language services from native speaker voiceover talent.

Corporations, institutions of higher learning, healthcare providers and human services organizations, among other kinds of entities, can all benefit from media productions that are translated for audiences that may speak languages other than English.

A university can produce student recruitment media that can be viewed overseas as part of a campaign to attract more international students to the institution. Businesses can, of course, also use multimedia tools, such as video and sound recording to inform and educate others in a variety of countries about the firm’s mission, and to perhaps recruit workers overseas with specific qualifications that the company requires.

The principal mission of American Language Services is to provide the highest quality language expertise to our valued clients around the world. We believe that by helping bridge the communication gap between individuals, companies, governments, cultures, races and religions around the globe, we can help make the world a little smaller and enhance the overall quality of life.

Some of the mobile applications that Mobile Roadie is presenting include those for a diverse base of individuals and groups that want to communicate with the public using the most contemporary of new media. Some of those who have their own Mobile Roadie apps include: Standup comedian Gabriel Iglesias, a.k.a. Fluffy, who came from humble beginnings in Southern California, is sharing entertaining content and engaging with his fans via his Mobile Roadie. In one year of being live, more than 355,000 fans have downloaded Gabriel’s app.

The LA Kings have been quick to adopt the latest trends (like mobile) to provide a better, more fun experience for fans worldwide. So they turned to Mobile Roadie to help engage their second-screen users. To date, there are over 48,000 downloads.


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