US Attorney working with AML-Global in Los Angeles

AML-Global has contracted with governmental clients for many years and has worked with several different sects of the US Attorney’s Office. For the past several months, the LA Criminal division of the US Attorney’s Office has contracted with AML-Global to assist them with transcription and translation projects in Armenian, Cambodian, Vietnamese and English for an ongoing criminal case.
In May, the US Attorney’s Office contacted AML-Global to provide transcription services from English to English and Armenian to English for the same ongoing case. For this particular project, AML-Global was given 2 hours of audio in CD format. A majority of the audio was in English, but also had a substantial amount of Armenian language mixed in on the audio files. Once the project was formally approved by the client, AML-Global’s Operations team sourced the English audio to our best English typists and sourced the Armenian portions to our best Armenian typists who have partnered with AML-Global for years to provide excellent transcription, translation and interpreting services. Our typists used transcription equipment to assist them with accuracy and efficiency during the course of the project and both English and Armenian to English transcripts were delivered to the client on-time.
The US Attorney Office continues to contract with AML-Global regarding their language needs for this particular criminal case as well as their other translation and transcription needs.


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