Editing process – what do translators look for and what are the common mistakes

Editing process  what do translators look for and what are the common mistakes

What is editing process

Editing is the process in which the translator examines a text with the intention of improving the flow and quality of writing. In other words, the process of checking and improving the copywriting of a document. In this process a translator concentrates less on the form and more on the terminology.

Why Editing is necessary

Every translator has their strengths and weaknesses. Much of it is affected by the emphasis of their study and background. Some translators are strong linguists with good experience, but they may not be an industry expert. Some industry experts went into the linguistic business and are solid translators, but may need help creatively in style or tone. Its human work!

What are the common mistakes in Translation

Here are some of the common mistakes in Translation:

Mistakes in script styling

Some translators may not fully understand the aspects of styling in a script. Due to unfamiliarity with target language, they interpret a document without knowing its appropriate style. This changes the essence of a script and, ultimately, purges its very soul. To convey real meaning of a topic, it is important to translate a document in the right tone.

Mistakes in syntax

Syntactic error is common as many novice translators failed to realize that there are different syntactic rules for different languages. For instance, you cannot justify a translation of English into Arabic as both have different syntaxes.

Vocabulary Mistakes

Amateur translators in many cases use vocabularies in wrong context. There are sure words which can’t be converted into other dialects. For example, there is no equivalent for the word Holy Grail in other languages. Also, you cannot translate the word Netilat Yadayim Shacharit into any other dialect. Since these words are related with cultural and religious process, it is not possible to translate them in context of other religions.

Mistake in differentiating between masculine and feminine nouns

Likewise, a translator may find it difficult to differentiate between masculine and feminine nouns. A language may treat a word as masculine which might mean opposite sex in other language. For instance, the word moon is masculine in English while the same is feminine in Spanish. It is necessary for a translator to get himself/herself familiarized with these subtleties of words to void these common mistakes in translation.

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