Top 20 Translated Phrases in Slovak Language

Since 1985, American Language Services (AML-Global) has provided effective translation, interpretation, and transcription services in over 200 languages (including ASL & CART services).  AML-Global is one of the largest language service providers in the United States.  We have earned an excellent reputation by delivering cost-effective, timely and great quality work with fast turnaround times.  We are 9001 & 13485 ISO certified, which is a testament to our uncompromising processes.  Below is a sample of commonly translated phrases in the Slovak language.

English Slovak
Good morning!  
Hello Dobry den

Ahoj (sg/inf)

Ahojte (pl/inf)



How are you?  
What is your name? Ako sa máte? (frm)

Ako sa máš? (inf)

Ako sa máte? (pl)

New Year greetings Štastný nový rok
Good night Dobrú noc
Good luck!  
Get Well Soon Skoro sa uzdrav!

Skoré uzdravenie! (in a letter)

Please speak more slowly Hovorte prosím pomalšie
Cheers! Good Health!

(Toasts used when drinking)

Na zdravie!
Bon voyage /

Have a good journey

Šťastnú cestu!
Bon appetit /

Have a nice meal

Dobrú chuť!
Thank you Ďakujem

Ďakujem vám

Ďakujem pekne

Ďakujem velʼmi pekne

I don’t understand Nerozumiem
I understand Rozumiem
My name is … Som z …
I don’t know Neviem
I love you Ľúbim Ťa
Where are you from? Odkialʼ si? (inf)

Odkialʼ ste? (frm)

Pleased to meet you Teší ma


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