Top 20 Translated Phrases in Dari Language

Since 1985, American Language Services (AML-Global) has provided effective translation, interpretation, and transcription services in over 200 languages (including ASL & CART services).  AML-Global is one of the largest language service providers in the United States.  We have earned an excellent reputation by delivering cost-effective, timely and great quality work with fast turnaround times.  We are 9001 & 13485 ISO certified, which is a testament to our uncompromising processes.  Below is a sample of commonly translated phrases in the Dari language

English Dari
Welcome (Salâm) سلام
Hello (General greeting) (As-salâmo ‘alaykom) ااسال م عليكم
How are you? (Ci hâl dâri?) چي حال داري؟

(Ci tor hasti?)چي تر هستی؟

Reply to ‘How are you?’ (Xob, tašakor) خوب تشكر؟
I don’t know (Man nami dâtam) من نمی دانم
What’s your name? (Nâmêtân cist?) نامتان چيست؟

(Esme-tân cist?) اسم تان چيست؟

My name is … (Nâme man … ast) نام من … است

(Esme-man … ast) اسم من … است

Where are you from? (Ahale kajâ hastêd?) اهل کجا هستید؟
I’m from … (Man … hastam) من … هستم
Pleased to meet you خشحال شدم از ملاقات شما

(Xoshâl šodom az molâqâte šoma)

Good morning
(Morning greeting)
(Sobh baxir) صبح بخير
Help! (Komak) کمک
Good evening
(Evening greeting)
(Cast baxir) چست بخير
Good night (Šab baxir) شپ بخير
(Parting phrases)
(Xudâ hâfez) خدا حافظ

(Tâ didâr ba’ad) تا دیدار بعد

Good luck! (Mwafaq baâšid) موفق باشید
Please (Lotfân) لطفا
Thank you (Tašakor) تشكر
Sorry (Mahzrat mêxwaham) محذرت ميخواهم
How much is this? قیمتش چقدر است؟

(Qimtaš cefdor asat?)


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