September 16 was National CleanUp Day, an observance in the U.S. that occurs on the 3rd Saturday in September. This unofficial holiday aims to raise awareness about cleanliness and reducing litter, making sure the nature around us remains clean and rid of garbage. This is a day about appreciating nature and the world we live in. Also, in September is the September Equinox which this year fell on September 22. In the Northern Hemisphere, the September Equinox represents the first day of fall and is when the length of the day and night is nearly equal due to the sun shining directly on the equator. As September is drawing to a close and October is quickly approaching, American Language Services have been reflecting on our most recent interpreting and translating projects this month ensuring we keep clients happy and achieving the best possible outcome.
Historical Tidbits in September
Some interesting historical tidbits that occurred in September are: on September 3, 1939 Great Britain and France declared war on Nazi Germany after its invasion of Poland on September 1, the People’s Republic of China was proclaimed by its communist leaders on September 21, 1949, Soviet Russia agreed to send arms to Cuba, which lead to the October missile crisis once the shipments were discovered by the U.S. on September 2, 1962 and on September 14, 1982 Princess Grace of Monaco died’ as a result of an accident in which her car plunged of a Monte Carlo mountain.
September Birthdays of Well-known Individuals
American professional boxer Rocky Marciano shared his September 1 birthday with Gloria Estefan; a Cuban-American singer/songwriter/actress and businesswoman, Buddy Holly was born on September 7, 1936, Blues legend B.B. King celebrated his birthday on September 16, Bill Murray’s birthday is on September 21, Ray Charles was born on September 23, 1930 and F. Scott Fitzgerald author of the Great Gatsby was born on September 24, 1896. ‘At American Language Services, we have been celebrating our recent projects.
Interesting Interpreting Projects Completed in September
We recently completed an interpreting project for Palace Station Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas. The project was an employee meeting on 3 different dates in September, requiring Mandarin, Cantonese and Spanish interpreters. The job was a huge success and went flawlessly.
Another interpreting project completed in September was for a great client of ours Virginia Commonwealth University. For a physical disabilities conference at the James Branch Cabell Library, 6 different American Sign Language interpreters were needed over the 2 day conference span. American Language Services were able to fill the job with excellent interpreters, ensuring the conference went well.
AML-Global was very busy for interpreting jobs this September, ensuring all clients’ needs were met and exceeded. Also, in September was an interpreting project for EDI Media Inc., the largest Chinese American multi-media company in the United States. The project was a photo exhibition for a Shanghai Forum which included several Mandarin interpreters along with a full array of equipment including a sound reduction booth, headsets and receivers and an on-site technician. The event went extremely well.
Translation Project Completed in September
This month we haven’t only been busy with interpreting projects, we also have had many interesting translation projects. Zebra Technologies, a long-standing client of American Language Services needed a services description document translated into 4 different languages: Korean, Simplified Chinese, Japanese and Brazilian – Portuguese. As always, the project went swimmingly. In the many years we have worked with Zebra Technologies, we have provided numerous languages including Spanish, French, Russian, German, Turkish, and Arabic among many others.
Translation, Interpreting, Transcription & Multi Media Expertise for Over 35 Years
As a key player in language industry, American Language Services commits to provide you with the most exceptional and professional services. AML-Global stands the test of time in providing translation, interpretation, transcription and media services to private industry, government at all levels, educational and non-profit organizations. Our thousands of linguists around the world and teams of dedicated professionals are ready to serve.
Call Us Now: 1-800-951-5020 for further information, visit our website ‘or for a quote go to and we will respond promptly.