Giving Thanks

As we all know, in the month of November is the wonderful holiday of Thanksgiving.’ Not only is this one of the great American foodie holidays of the year, it is also great to be able to reflect about how fortunate we are in our lives and what is truly important and meaningful. ”AML-Global is blessed to be able to work with so many interesting and fantastic clients.

Every day we assist people in facilitating communications from one language, culture, ethnicity to another or even many others.’ This is done in many forms through verbal interpreting, written translations, audio or video transcriptions and media services like dubbing and voiceovers.

In November, we completed many interesting jobs.’ We recently completed a large conference through” Louisiana State University (LSU).’ We supplied Arabic interpreters, equipment and technical support for 3 weeks.’ This was for the National Center for Bio Medical Research & Training. We were helping to train the Jordan military and police on effective counter bio-terrorism techniques and strategies.

We completed a large job for Cesar’s Entertainment Group in which we supplied interpreters in Las Vegas for several languages including, Korean, Russian, Mandarin & Japanese This was for groups coming in for a leisure conference & tour

We completed an annual conference for the Asia Society US/China Summit.’ This is a project we have done for a number of years running.’ This year the event was held in the Millennium Hotel in Downtown Los Angeles.’ We supplied interpreters, equipment and technical support. ‘This conference was about promoting business opportunities between US and Chinese investors.

On the translation side of things, we completed a large technical manual for the state of Virginia through Virginia Tech University (VTU).’ This manual was for the farming community and outlined best practices in using pesticides for agriculture.

We give thanks and show our appreciation to our fabulous clients and for the opportunities they give us to be of service each and every day.

American Language Services is a proud provider of voice over, translation, interpretation, transcription and media services to private industry, government at all levels, and educational and non-profit organizations. Our thousands of linguists around the world and teams of dedicated professionals are ready to serve.

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