Native Speakers

Generally speaking, a native speaker is classified as a speaker of a particular language who has spoken that language since earliest childhood. A native speaker of a particular language should understand the subtle and the not so subtle nuances of that language and culture. In order to provide our clients with the best possible translation, a translator who is a native speaker in the target language (or the language the document is being translated into) is vital to producing a fully comprehensive translation.

As we’ve discussed previously, a good translator must have a keen understanding of grammar, context, writing conventions, cultural diversity, and language style of the two languages. People often believe that there is always a simple exact match between different languages, but that is almost never the case. A good translator must determine proper terminology based on his or her comprehension of the languages, subject matter, and cultural/colloquial meanings. Native speaking translators can provide just that because the knowledge of their language is inherent.

The purpose of a translation is to relay a message in a smooth and effective manner and a native speaker can project the intent of the message, address cultural awareness of their audience, as well as understand specific nuances in various language combinations.

A translator who was born and nurtured (or possibly just immersed for many years) in a culture as they learned their language skills,will have an unconscious advantage over a non-native speaker. They will have more phrases to draw from in their vast vocabulary and be better at picking the right word, phrase or attitude depending on the message, tone or situation. A native speaker will have a much better grasp on the basics of the language as well as the nuances that will really help drive your message home.

A translator who has a firm grasp on both the culture and the language of the source and target languages has an even greater ability to provide a spot-on translation. A truly bilingual individual should understand the way to phrase things appropriately for each language. For instance, using English and Spanish as an example, if an English script uses colloquialisms or slang, you want someone who can replicate that in Spanish by using appropriate and corresponding phrases. The key is to use someone who effectively translates the message in context, not just the words, verbatim.

Many different locations have different slang and mannerisms. That is why we have translators all across America in many metropolitan areas including Washinton D.C, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Diego and many other cities with diverse language populations. We provide translation services to to a wide variety of cities including San Francisco, Las Vegas and also cities like Irvine, San Jose and New Jersey. Our superior resource of translators located across the United States and all over the Globe make us the most efficient and reliable translation services.


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